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About CERO

Our mission is to enable everyone to purchase and enjoy computer and video games free from concernes about content.
As the technology of game consoles advances and the age brackets of game consumers expand, computer and video games have been diversified both in content and expressions. Given this trend, social requirements have intensified, and a typical requirement is related to the influence that the content of a game may have on young people. To fulfill those social needs, the Computer Entertainment Rating Organization (abbreviated as CERO) was founded in June 2002. CERO is operated independently of any specific corporation or organization for the sake of fairness.
CERO was accredited as a specified nonprofit corporation by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government in December 2003.


Name of organization
 Computer Entertainment Rating Organization (abbreviated as CERO)
 The major objective of CERO is, as computer and video games are ever being diversified
following the development of the computer entertainment culture, to provide people in
general and game consumers with information necessary for them to select computer and
video games, help young people grow in a healthy and sound environment and maintain
society's ethical standards at a proper level by implementing age-appropriateness ratings for computer and video games.
■Screening and rating computer and video games; recruiting and training/developing game raters.
■Conducting surveys and research on the computer/video games environment; improving
and enhancing the rating system.
■Disseminating age-appropriateness rating system of computer and video games to the
public and enlightening the public about the system.
■Communicating and cooperating with domestic and foreign organizations that aim to
maintain society's ethical standards at a proper level.
 Individuals and organizations that have consented to the objectives of CERO and are enrolled as members.
Staff Office
4F Kanda Takano Building, 2-3-1, Kaji-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan 
TEL: 03-5289-7928   ( from outside of Japan +81-3-5289-7928 )

The board of directors

Title Name  
Director General Niro Shimada  Former Chief Justice of the Supreme Court
Vice Director General Sadanobu Morimoto  Computer Entertainment Rating Organization (Specified Nonprofit Corporation)
Director Hiroko Goto  Professor at Law School, Chiba University
Director Akira Sakamoto  Professor at Graduate School of Humanities and Sciences, Ochanomizu University
Director Junichi Hamada  President of EIRIN (Firm Classification and Rating Organization)
Director Hideki Hayakawa  Chairman of Computer Entertainment Supplier's Association
Auditor Kiyoaki Kasahara  Certified Tax Accountant
Corporate Lawyer Makoto Matsuo  Attorney-at-Law

Bylaws (*Japanese)

CERO Bylaws


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